Learn the Basics in Tattoo from a Professional Matt has created a DVD that is simple and straight to the point. Matt will show you basic set up as well as keeping your work area sterile and safe.
This DVD is 6.5 hours long, and demonstrates how to complete 4 portrait tattoo from start to finish.
Want to learn more about Rotary Machines and how to use them? This DVD will go through and teach you the basics and difference between rotary machines.
Advance Tattooing Beyond the Needle 4-Disc DVD Set
NEW Dual Layer 4 DVD Set (Re-edited in HD and Remastered with additional 2 hours of bonus material)
Educate you on how to protect yourself and your customers from the potential dangers involved in the tattoo process
From the authors of the book: "Basic Fundamental of Modern Tattoo" Professional Apprentice Training Series, a must have for anyone apprenticing at a shop.